Thursday, January 1, 2009

All White Vegas Night

Happy New Year!! This year our New Year's Eve party was themed "All White Vegas Night." Everyone came dressed in white and we played "vegas" games like Craps, Roulette and Black Jack (with fake money...of course). It was a great time! Tom and I got really into it and Tom converted our entire basement into a casino. He made the tables, we hung stuff on the walls and just did it up really big. Everyone got $1,000 of fake money and Trevor was the highest roller by the end of the night. Second runner up was Megan. Everyone had a good time and we're excited for what's instore for next year!
Money, money, money... MONEY! Pre-party...

Action shots...

Some of the gamers...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Vera, that night looks like it was so much fun. Good job on the decorating and theme! So Fancy =)